About Us

We’ve been building the gardens since 2008 when we built our house. Over the years, our gardens have grown to include over 800 varieties of iris including bearded, arilbred, miniature, siberian, louisiana, japanese and spuria, many of which are historic and unique. Daylilies became a large focus adding in approximately 300 different cultivars. We specialize in unique perennials including 50 different types of clematis, dwarf conifers and local wildflowers. We have a dragonfly pond that is a hub of activity not only for the dragonfly life cycle but also for birds, butterflies, the occasional snake and is home to our specialty water iris. Almost all of our moisture drainage from the roof is designed to feed into the gardens via a dry creek bed and underground piping in addition to the rainwater we collect from our outbuilding roofs.
In 2021, we wanted to share our passion for flowers with the local community and added a small cutting garden. The response was better than we could have imagined which meant MORE FLOWERS for 2022!
The following spring started the process of adding more cut flower garden beds along with expanding the perennials that are great for cut flower bouquets. I retired from my corporate job to live my dream of flower farming. Down came some trees, in came the dirt and fencing along with of course, lots of plants. We have added over 300 feet of flower rows, a hedgerow full of cuttable shrubs, perennials, wildflowers, a new rose and peony bed along with a hoophouse to grow more tender perennials and annuals.
We are now selling to multiple florists, and participating in a weekly farmers’ market in addition to subscriptions and special events.
We quickly realized that arranging the flowers into bouquets, helping customers do the same and sharing our flower geek passions are the perfect outlet to share this beauty with our local community. We get to educate, spread happiness with smiles and make the world just a little bit better. We have plans to spread that happiness even wider in the coming years.
Our gardens are a pollinator’s paradise! We garden as ethically and sustainably as possible as the earth and water are important to all of us. We practice no till gardening along with regenerative practices like cover cropping, mulching, pocket prairies and leaving the gardens standing until spring which all benefit the earth and the pollinators. We plant enough flowers to share and always leave some to sustain the pollinators.

With the abundance of flowers here on the farm, we started drying, pressing and preserving flowers to keep the beauty just a little longer in many different forms of art.